Events & Workshops

Earth Connection Meditation: Greeting The Day
2/22/25, 2:00 PM
Do you have a practice of beginning your day? What might it be like to begin the day with a mindful cup of tea, mug of coffee or glass of water? We will engage in mindfully enjoying our morning cup together exploring the invitations to Interbeing that come to us from Thich Nhat Hanh.

Earth Love: Special Earth Connection Meditation Valentine's Day Edition
2/14/25, 5:00 PM
Earth Love Edition for Valentine’s Day
How do you express your care for the Earth? For your own body and senses? For other people, other More-Than-Human beings? We’ll explore open-heartedness and broken-heartedness and illumined hearted-ness in this meditation based on the work of Margaret Bullit-Jonas.

Mid-Winter Retreat with Forest Bathing Online
2/1/25, 2:00 PM
February 1 from 9AM-12PM Eastern: Mid-Winter Retreat
Welcome to our Mid-Winter Retreat with Forest Bathing! Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil will be predicting the arrival or delay of Spring on 2/2. In some European traditions, it’s also time to bless candles to illuminate the coldest nights of the year.
Let’s pause in Mid-Winter however that looks in your bioregion. In this Saturday morning retreat, we will befriend a being from our bioregions and look to them for inspiration in how they engage this season. The being we befriend might be an animal, bird, plant, tree, insect, fish, geological feature like river or mountain, etc. I'm looking forward to deepening my own relationship with my bioregion in community with you!
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Time: 9AM to Noon Eastern
Location: Zoom and join from indoors, outdoors or a combination of the two
Our day will include opportunities for communal sharing and individual exploration on the land. Everything is an invitation including the invitations that arise just for you as you are forest bathing on the land.
A General Outline of Our Time Together:
Between 8:50-9AM Gathering in Community on Zoom
Crossing a Threshold/Naming Your Being and Setting an Intention for Retreat
Guided Forest Bathing Experience
Wander Time with your Being
Invitation to Your Own Creative Expression on the Land
Returning in Community
Creative Expression in Community: Gratitude Mandala
11:45-Noon Crossing the Threshold to Conclude Our Retreat
*Please register by 1/31 in order to receive a special retreat packet by email so that you can choose a being from your bioregion to befriend for the retreat.
Pre-retreat work:
You’re invited to reflect on your intention for this time set apart.
Please complete the Befriend a Being from Your Bioregion activity before our retreat so you can engage with them as a companion on this retreat. This activity with some resource links will be emailed to you upon registration.
Complete the Release Form found here:

Spiritual Accompaniment Circles for LGBTQIA+ Folks
3/10/25, 2:00 PM
I'd love to invite all my LGBTQIA+ siblings to a spiritual accompaniment group focusing on sacred support during challenging times with the BTS Center.
This spring, The BTS Center is offering the opportunity to join a group circle for spiritual accompaniment. Facilitated by skilled and credentialed leaders, and drawing on the deep traditions and practices of spiritual direction, these circles offer space to connect, to ask complex and vital questions, to engage in contemplative practices, and to be in community with other seekers.
As our climate-changed world demands more from us — more presence, more love, more courage, more capacity to hold grief — we hope you will find in these circles a place of respite and discernment, of gentleness and spaciousness and clarity to nourish you on your journey.
Justin Ferko — LGBTQIA+ Group
View Justin's biography
Second Mondays, 10.00 - 12.00pm (Eastern)
March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13
Note: this specialized group is for members of the LGBTQIA+ community
Program fee: $200
Scholarships are available. Please contact to inquire.

Spring Equinox Retreat: Holding Aliveness and Eco-Grief
3/15/25, 1:00 PM
As Spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, what signs of change do you notice? What is happening for you - your own sense of aliveness? Are you more active in the Spring or another season? What actual and metaphorical seeds do you want to sow this year? What has been hibernating or germinating within that will soon burst forth?
Are there many changes in your bioregion this year? How is it similar or different to previous years? What is sprouting? Which beings have returned? Which have migrated away from your bioregion?
What stirs in you as you explore your bioregion and Earth community and notice the impact of climate change?
In this online retreat, we will explore the changes in our bioregions and what we notice about ourselves in Spring. Our Forest Bathing experience will include invitations from The Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy.
Welcome to our Spring Equinox Retreat with Forest Bathing!
Date: Saturday, March 15, 2025
Time: 9AM to Noon Eastern
Location: Zoom and join from indoors, outdoors or a combination of the two
Our day will include opportunities for communal sharing and individual exploration on the land. Everything is an invitation including the invitations that arise just for you as you are forest bathing on the land.
A General Outline of Our Time Together:
Between 8:50-9AM Gathering in Community
Crossing a Threshold/Naming Your Being and Setting an Intention for Retreat
Gratitude and grief practices
Guided Forest Bathing Experience
Returning in Community
Tea Party and Sharing
11:45-Noon Crossing the Threshold to Conclude Our Retreat
*Register by 3/10 in order to receive a special retreat packet by email so that you can explore invitations to reflect on gratitude, grief and changes you experience in Spring.